About Me


My name is Dawn Anderson and I teach  the A&W Math 11 course with the Futures 11 alternative program at WestShore Centre (WCLT). The other half of my week is spent as the technology curriculum coordinator for SD62.

After graduating high school I spend a couple years at Vancouver Island University exploring career options and playing varsity soccer. Once accepted into the Education Program at the University of Victoria I start running on the varsity team and exploring the mountains on my bike. After graduating, I worked in a couple districts as a TOC and then got a position at WestShore where I have had the pleasure of teaching all grade 10 courses and co-developing the Futures Program with Devon Stokes-Bennett. I also started to explore post graduate options and have found myself headed down a path towards my master through Simon Frazer University in Technology and Teaching.

I am very excited to be able to work with all of the Futures 11 students again this year as well as my peers as the Curriculum Support teacher at WCLT.